
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Windows for cheap!

Windows just came out with Windows 7: a new and very improved opperating system. When it becomes available on the market on October 22, it will be very, very expensive. If you happen to be a college student and have an email address that ends in ".edu", then you will be able to purchase the new windows 7 for only $30. The deal starts on October 22 and ends on January 3rd 2010. This is a great deal. All college students should take advatage of this great oppurtunity to be a part of something very important to the technology world.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Youtube and Movie Rentals?

So today in class we listened to a news breif about movie rentals on Youtube. Youtube has been talking to the poeple in hollywood to try to come up with a deal to release and rent movies online. I tunes already does this and it seems to work well. It would be a lot easier if Youtube started this due to the fact that so many Americans get on youtube all the time. Videos are posted and watched every second. Personally I would probably rent movies from Youtube if they came through with their plan.
I find it ineresting how the media is making so many advances when we still have an economy problem here in The US. It will be interesting to see if anything goes further with this and how much money youtube will make from their movie rentals.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

My Little Computer

        My first time on computers was when I was in the 6th grade. My family and I only had one really old Toshiba. I think that was the brand but I do know for sure it was really old and it was beige. I did not know how to use it except to play solitaire and check my email. The only person that had my email address was my mom. She would send me random messages like, "I love you" and "You need to clean your room." Then I would write her back saying that I never got the email or that it was in a different language.
        My life then changed when I able to get my first AIM account. That was the "in" thing and I wanted to be apart of it. I had my first screen name and then it went downhill from there. Now I am addicted to computers and I am constantly on checking email and Facebook and Myspace and Twitter. I like to know all the latest news and gossip!

        So since I was in the 6th greade I have never been able to say no to computers.